Svitzer "Svitzer Lisboa" – Tille Scheepsbouw

Tugboat operated by Svitzer seen on the Tejo River, Lisboa , in May 2013. This tugboat named " Svitzer Lisboa " and registered LX-32-RC, is built in The Netherlands by Tille Scheepsbouw (Kootstertille) ¹ , completed in 1982, yard number 229, and originally delivered to Bureau Wijsmuller (Ijmuiden) under the name " Brabant ". In 2005 it comes to Portugal, as part of the Svitzer fleet in Lisboa. Steel hull and superstructure. It has an overall length of 94.6 ft and is equipped with two 895 kW (1200 bhp) ² Bolnes 8 DNL 150/600 main engines and [Niigata?] "Z"-drive azimuth thrusters , providing a tractive effort ³ of 32 tons. Top speed is 12 knots. Operating in Portugal since 2005, Svitzer ⁴ gives way in 2019 to Pioneiro do Rio and Grupo Sousa. Here, we see " Svitzer Lisboa " off Lisboa, possibly returning to its base after another service. In the background, the south bank of the Tejo River. ● Rebocador operado pela Svitzer visto no Rio...