Morante Bus – Irizar PB

Coach operated by Morante Bus seen at Praça D. Pedro IV, Lisboa, in May 2011. This coach is an Irizar PB registered in 2007. It has an overall length of 40 ft and uses the Irisbus IVECO EuroRider C43 SRI chassis with the 316 kW (430 hp) IVECO Cursor 10 engine. Established in the 1960s by Juan Morante Leyva and based in Quesada, Morante Bus operates regular specialized services and occasional services. Here, we see this Irizar PB on an occasional service.

Autocarro operado pela Morante Bus visto na Praça D. Pedro IV, Lisboa, em Maio de 2011. Este autocarro é um Irizar PB registado em 2007. Tem um comprimento total de 12,20 m e utiliza o chassis Irisbus IVECO EuroRider C43 SRI com o motor IVECO Cursor 10 de 316 kW (430 hp). Estabelecida nos anos sessenta por Juan Morante Leyva e baseada em Quesada, a Morante Bus opera serviços regulares especializados e serviços ocasionais. Aqui, vemos este Irizar PB num serviço ocasional.

Morante Bus 

Established in the 1960s and based in Quesada, Morante Bus operates regular specialized services and occasional services. ●

Fleet Number






3242 FWS



● References 

Wikipedia | "Irizar"
Wikipedia | "Irizar PB"
Irizar | "Irizar Rangecatalog
Irizar | "Irizar PB Technical Specificationsdata sheet
Wikipedia | "IVECO Bus"
Irisbus IVECO | "Chassis Rangecatalog
Irisbus IVECO | "Irisbus IVECO EuroRider Chassis C-43 SRI / C-43A SRI" data sheet
IVECO Motors | "Cursor" catalog
Wikipedia | "Quesada"
Wikipedia | "Quesada" pt-br

1 m → 3.281 ft 
1 kW → 1,360 hp (metric/PS)
1 kW → 1,341 hp
1 hp (metric/PS) → 0,986 hp

● How does an Irizar PB sounds like in operation? Sadly, I didn't find any interesting video on this vehicle.


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